Christian Life Ministries 

Ecclesiastes 4:12


Isaiah 43:19 

Christian Life Ministries is a forward moving, unconventional based, innovative ministry. We provide a context of ministry that eliminates religiosity and offers a Christ-centered, wholesome, kingdom experience.

villiagers experience

Holistic Empowerment

2 Corinthians 5:17
“The whole person” call to disciple making. We believe worship is a lifestyle. So, through practical workshops and community linkages, villagers experience the opportunity to be elevated educationally, financially, relationally healthily, and spiritually.

Raven Ministry

1 Kings 17:3-6
“The Ministry of Presence” Through comprehensive support and benevolence we serve unendingly. Our conviction is to be there for villagers more than momentarily but serving needs with longevity.


Acts 2:42-45
“If we don’t do it together, we’ll do it never.” We believe in community and doing life together as a kingdom family. This discipling focus is inviting to all through events that provide fun and loving connection.

Christian Life Ministries

Senior Pastor

Reverend Charles Dickerson

“God Bless Ya 2day”

Rev. Dickerson’s ministry gives life to his personal testimony of restoration and deliverance. The clarity of the Holy Spirit and his personal experiences of redemption give him a special insight into the challenges faced by citizens in today’s culture. His God-given gifts of encouragement and creativity make him an engaging and uplifting visionary for all ages. A dedicated servant leader, Charles has a proven history of leading others throughout his life’s journey. Whether in sports as a Co-Capitan of the 1994 Boys Basketball Divison II State Champs for Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School or as a Production Supervisor for Wraptite Inc, a Solon Based National Industrial Commodity Product leader or as Client Operations Manager for Packaging Material Direct Inc, a thriving e-commerce business, Charles executes his strengths in coaching, planning and hard work. In 2006, Charles launched C-Life Ministries as a grass roots organization which first begin as an alternative outlet for at risk youth to participate in various artistic expressions such as inspirational rap, mime dancing, and drama skits. Through this platform, Charles conducted mentoring projects and sponsored field trips for youth for educational and positive exposure purposes. Opportunities such as college tours, countless local and some national performance opportunities, tutoring sponsorship and supportive activities such as fishing trips, amusement park outings and career tours allowed youth in the community to be empowered and progress through deep personal challenges. Throughout his aspirations to see citizens uplifted, Charles developed opportunity to involve citizens from various professional backgrounds and expertise to reach back and support citizens in need. Over the course of time, Charles progressed in his education by earning a Diploma of Theology through the McCreary Center for African American Religious Studies, a program of Ashland Theological Seminary. Also, he obtained a multiplicity of training through various seminars and workshops to expand his calling and professional development. Charles is currently matriculating through a Graduate Program for theological studies at Ashland Theological Seminary. As C-Life Ministries expanded its impact, through consistent efforts, Charles applied for a number of community grants through Neighborhood Connections, a division of the Cleveland Foundation and was awarded multiple grants to support C-Life’s community outreach. As a Case Manager for Towards Employment, a nonprofit organization that specializes in work programs for young adults and the reentry population, Charles supports many young adults with linkages to supports to help them overcome tough challenges. Supports such as attending court procedures with those on his case load, or mental health counseling, assisting with housing placement and career goals, allowed Charles to gain a wide range of connections that now enables participants of C-Life Ministries to have quality linkages for support. Since its inception, C-Life Ministries has been a recognized asset to the community and acknowledged by numerous citizens, civic leaders and organizations, cities and public and private organizations for its efforts to support the community. A committed husband and father, Charles enjoys in his free time family outings, participating in artistic expressions, reading and traveling. Charles simply believes that through the support that he received during struggling times in his life, and how it benefited him to reach the level he’s achieved today, providing a vision for the community along with unifying citizens who love people will make the community flourish and through these efforts reciprocation will normalize in an unending way.

Executive Minister

Lady Sermonte Marie Dickerson

       Sermonte Marie Dickerson began attending church at six years old and at the age of nine she accepted Christ as Lord and Savior and was baptized at Progressive Baptist Church. She remained very active in church serving as a youth usher as well as singing in the choir at each church in which she was a member. At the age of 18, she joined Providence Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Rodney Maiden, in which she received a spiritual awakening. It was at Providence that she truly began striving to live the life that the Lord would have her to live as she began to see just how far off she was from living out the true call on her life.

     At Providence she grew a great deal in her faith and she began to see her spiritual calling.  She was involved in a number of ministries which all helped to shape her into the woman of God that she is today. These ministries included the Mass Choir, the Youth Choir, the Praise and Worship Team, the Women’s Fitness ministry, the Greeter’s Ministry and the Praise Dance Ministry.   Her spiritual gifts are the Gift of Helps as well as Encouragement.  She also has a great passion for marriage and working with women. She headed up a women’s prayer group for a period of time and this helped to shape her prayer life.  She began her Christian education at Providence as well, as she took biblical classes to expand her knowledge of the Word of God.

     Sermonte received her Bachelors of Science Degree in Accounting in May of 2002 from John Carroll University. She followed that up with a Master of Business Administration in December 2004 from Cleveland State University. She has proudly been employed with the Defiance Finance and Accounting Service Cleveland Site since May 2001 as an Accountant.

     Sermonte is passionate about worship through song and praise. She is also passionate about dancing, and she has used this as a tool for ministry.  She has been a line dance instructor in which she has done line dancing with a gospel twist. She also has worked hand and hand with her husband, Charles, in his youth ministry, C-Life and the Leaders of Tomorrow, in which they worked with young people doing performance arts through gospel rap, mime dance, spoken word, song, as well as dramatic interpretation since 2010 when they were blessed to meet. The couple married in June 2011 and they were blessed with their beautiful daughter, Charmonte Marie, in November 2012.

     She is blessed to serve as the Executive Minister of Christian Life Ministries alongside her husband!

Pastor Charles & Lady Sermonte Dickerson

History of Christian Life Ministries

Initially launched as a grassroots organization in 2006, C-Life began empowering youth through the arts of rap, dance drama skits and mentorship sessions. As needs arose and as our organization evolved, C-life launched its career readiness workshops as well as referred participants to various community partnerships for assistance. Because C-Life’s mission was comprehensive and progressed to evolve to support people from all levels, linkages to financial education events, counseling, crisis management, relationship empowerment, and health empowerment were provided. Participants were supported through coaching and essential needs such as bus passes, food, and clothing. In 2009, 2012 and 2015, C-Life was awarded a community grant by Neighborhood Connections, a division of the Cleveland Foundation that sponsors grassroots organizations in the Cleveland area. C-life obtained donations from the at large community through fundraising opportunities by offering their studio recorded inspirational rap songs and merchandise such as personalized t-shirts. Since 2006, C-life has had the opportunity to impact thousands of citizens in the Cleveland area and surrounding suburbs. Many positive outcomes have been obtained, yet, C-Life understands that much more remains needed. 

Our Niche

We specialize in a multi-disciplinary approach to holistic improvement by serving people at every level. One Stop Shop who provides linkages and support for anyone on any level for anything.

The How

What if you had the opportunity to create monumental impact for the lives of all people of all levels? And in establishing such opportunity, it would change families, communities and society as a whole which would benefit you, your family, and community because you created the opportunity? What if you didn’t create the opportunity? Would it be logical to expect any real change? Are there enough solutions in place to make monumental impact in the community, if we honestly look at the reality of what is taking place here in Northeast Ohio? Our reality is evident, high crime rates, broken families, high unemployment, rising divorce rates, rising health problems, rising dropout rates, alarming prison rates, rising poverty, child neglect, and homelessness rates.

The Now

Christian Life Ministries is a forward moving Church that empowers the community holistically. Surrendered to the leading of the Holy Spirit, our passion is to see many people encounter God. We believe this encountering flows beyond a Worship Service or Study gathering, but through provided opportunities for people to obtain growth on many levels. Growth educationally, financially, healthily, relationally, while being fed spiritually.

Our goal is to unite the village, understanding that it’s a collective responsibility for the Kingdom of God to bring the power of God to all deficient matters. Historically and continually, we’ve been led by God to bring all villagers together to tackle the sin problems that plague society. Therefore, rather one belongs to another local church, whether one is associated with a community organization or civic affiliations, we’ve experienced solution being accomplished when all servants are joined together. Through assessing the needs of the community, we make community linkages with village partners who offer various services. Then we connect with the village to meet their needs by deploying prayer partners, professionals, volunteers and leaders in general to walk alongside villagers. No villager is left alone, step by step support is how we conduct ministry. Christian Life Ministries is that bonding glue that positions the village to work together in common goals so that God will be glorified, and people will receive His love and salvation.

The Why

What will happen if we all choose not to provide more support, influence, care, resources, opportunities, education, and a collective effort to meet the needs of the community? And what can we expect by making such a choice? Will not all of us in some sense be affected by such a choice, is such a choice the right thing to do?

Since you agree that we could use more support and programming to bring more solutions that will combat the aforementioned pains that are occurring and rising in our own families personally and in our communities collectively, consider joining in partnership with us as a donor, advocate, or volunteer today to meet those needs.

We at C-life Ministries believe that impact occurs when there’s Love for the village through Love from the village.

Thank you