Christian Life Ministries 

Statement of Faith


Creator, eternal, incapable of imperfection and perfectly all loving. Monotheistic, God is a trinity—three persons in one. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1, John 1, 3, Matthew 3, Isaiah 6,)


Created in God’s image and likeness to reverentially worship God. Unconditionally loved and invited to be in covenant relationship with God. Required by God to live obediently through faith by being fruitful (maximizing God given gifts for His glory), multiply (reproduce God’s image in the earth unendingly), rule (authoritatively have dominion on the earth and over all of creation in holy stewardship), subdue (protect and control the order of the earth, keeping it in submission to the will of God). (Genesis 1)


All thoughts, language and actions that separates one from God by being in rebellion towards God’s will. A rejection of covenant relationship with God, first beginning through the federal headship, Adam. And through Adam’s sin, reveals the inherent nature and propensity of sin that all humans possess. Sin leads to death and death everlastingly breaks covenant relationship with God, punishing humans tormentingly. Through this original sin, Adam brought forth spiritual and physical death to humankind. As well as total decay and disorder in every aspect of the earth. (Genesis 3, Romans 3, 5, 6, 8)


A spiritual enemy of God and humans who’s punished to everlasting torment by attempting to usurp the supremacy of God. Satan beguiled Adam and Eve which resulted in him being crushed by the seed of Adam and Eve, Jesus Christ. He has prince-ship in the earth influencing humans to reject God. (Genesis 3, Ezekiel 28, Isaiah 14)

Jesus Christ

The second person of the trinitarian God-head, is the begotten Son of God, sinless and born of a virgin. He is fully God and fully human. He is the redeemer of humankind, the propitiated sacrifice for sin that provides reconciliation for humankind and God. Faith in Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection, for humankind, which removes the penalty of sin that results in eternal damnation and death, is the only way for humankind to receive justification, new spiritual life and eternal physical life after the culmination of this world when Jesus returns. Through the redeeming work of Christ, the believer receives a new glorified physical body for eternal life. (Genesis 3, John 1, 3, 14 Titus 3)

The Holy Spirit

The third person of the triune God-head, is the person who conducts spiritual rebirth for all who confess faith in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit resides spiritually within the believer and through the believers surrendering of God’s will, leads and sanctifies the believer until the point of physical death. The Holy Spirit provides and carry out all spiritual gifts in the life of the believer, in which we believe all gifts of the Spirit exist for today. (John 3, 14,16, Acts 2, Galatians 5, 1 Corinthians 12)

The Church

The universal collective believers of Jesus Christ. The church are the people commissioned to make followers of Jesus Christ. Through sharing the gospel message both verbally and through lifestyle of faith and obedience to Christ, is tasked to bring hope in Christ to the world. The church is endowed with spiritual gifts and full revelation of Christ to carry out the commission. (Matthew 16, 28, Acts 2)

The Bible

The authoritative perfect Word and truth of and about God and His Will. Inspired by God through specific humans he empowered to write about Him, provides complete revelation. There is no other authoritative writing besides the Bible for humans to know God. (Hebrews 1, 2 Timothy, 2 Peter 1)

Our Ministries

***Masks are required for in person events***

Essentially United

A collective community effort to provide care packages and encouragement for Essential Workers.

Educate All Tutoring

A tutoring series geared to support and enhance school age youth with their studies.

The Couples Connection

A conglomeration of various activities that support and empower couples.

Raven Ministry

A benevolence ministry that tangibly supports villagers who are both in crisis as well as awarding and supporting villagers to continue thriving. When funding is available, allocations go towards assisting the needs of villagers who are facing hardship. As well, providing allocations to assist villagers who’re excelling too.

Holiday Store

A collaboration with Speak Life Ministries that provides tangible gifts and much more during the Christmas Season.

The Dream Club

A gathering for career training, networking, linkages, and goal setting to help career aspirations and visionaries of business and organizations thrive.



A ministry where villagers have the opportunity to participate in various events to experience the benefits of self-care.


Prosper Power Hour

A time of financial empowerment to support and inform participants about ways they can elevate financially.

The Call to Purpose

A masterclass series designed to empower and launch individuals into their life’s purpose.

Career Tour

Geared to expose young adults into various career fields by initiating tours to gain understanding of how to achieve and prosper in those career areas.



To maintain a consistent atmosphere of Spirit-led, free-flowing, genuine heart expressions and connections towards God so that all are engaged and able to be filled by the spirit of God.


To take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to various communities and amongst each congregant’s sphere of influence, showing love and compassion for the lost.


To support, uplift and make palatable the unadulterated, simple truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ through teaching, preaching, bible study and small groups so that all may get understanding.


To bring the love and hand of God to the least of these' by openly serving them. 'Foot washing' and feeding, visiting. financially blessing others and sitting with the sufferer.


To provide opportunities for congregants and the community to grow educationally, health-wise, relationally, spiritually, and financially through experiences and resources made available.

Christian Life Ministries

2490 Lee Blvd.

Cleveland Hts., OH 44118

Suite 209


Service Times

Village Life Worship Hour

Sunday @ 10:30 AM

Village Bible Study

Tuesday’s @ 6:30 PM

Voice to Voice Men’s Gathering

Every Other Thursday @ 6:30 PM

Our Leaders

Pastor Charles Dickerson

Lady Sermonte Dickerson